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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tattoo On Chest For Men

Tattoo On Chest For Men
Many male tattoo fans like chest tattoos for men because of the way they enhance their pecs, defining muscle and shape, making the body much more interesting to behold. It may hurt slightly but the extra sex appeal will more than compensate for any pain. Chest tattoos for men often involve a name or symbol representing a special person, particularly if it is engraved near the heart.

The most commonly sought designs for the chest include cross and heart tattoos due to their significant meaning. Having a girl’s name or her portrait tattooed on their chest symbolizes a guy’s love for her while a heart crowned with thorns may indicate a less romantic individual, who has rejected love. Animal tattoos however, represent strength and power particularly fierce creatures. In ancient mythology, scorpions were feared by men and the gods .

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